Teams - I can't disconnect a team and touchpoint

As described in this article, you need to link your touchpoint to a team. This way, the information can easily be distributed and linked to the right level within your team structure. 

When you initially map out your touchpoints and teams all lines between them are grey and have a red bin icon. At this point, it's still perfectly possible to disconnect the team or to link the touchpoint to another team.

Once you've uploaded a respondent - in case of an e-mail touchpoint - or your first answer came in, the line between the touchpoint and team will become red. Now it's impossible to disconnect them because data was added to your touchpoint. If you've made a mistake in mapping, the solution would be to deactivate your touchpoint and create a copy so you can start over. Keep in mind that the link between the touchpoint and team is created based on the metadata key you fill out in the General Configuration of your touchpoint settings under Team Filter.  Learn more about it here.

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