Integrate your survey on your website with Google Tag Manager

1. Why integrate with Google Tag Manager?

In order to increase response rates and your feedback quality, it matters where and when you ask your customers for feedback. However, it can be a challenge to program these parameters as programmers are a scarce resource. So in order to achieve this on your own, it helps to utilize a tool that makes abstraction of this.

A tag management system (TMS) is software that can be used to manage tracking tags used in digital marketing. A tag is a short snippet of code that is added to a website to collect data for analytics and digital marketing tools. A tag management system makes it possible for marketers and analysts to deploy and manage the tags on their site without relying wholly on IT.

Tags are the special headers on websites, tracking pixels used in advertisements and content that enables web analytics.

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2. Install Google Tag Manager

If you do not yet have GTM installed, you can find the installation of Google Tag Manager and initial set-up over here:

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3. Set-up of the connection with Hello Customer

Select your Javascript code piece from your website touchpoint. This can be done as follows: Select your Javascript code piece in your website touchpoint
In Google Tag manager, Go to "Tags" on the left panel

Now, you can click on the 'New' button to create a new tag. You can give the tag a name of your liking and you can start choosing your trigger and your tag type.

In Tag Configuration, you can choose your tag type. Here you need to select 'Custom HTML'
In the Custom HTML section, you can copy paste your script. Make sure to disable the 'IsPreview: true' and to enable the or
Next, you can identify your trigger by clicking on 'Triggering'.
Here you can choose your trigger based on the use cases chosen in Step 4: Use Cases. After clicking on your preferred trigger, you can save or refine your trigger even more:
Click on 'Save' and publish your new tag!

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4. Add metadata to your survey via Google Tag Manager

1. Identify the relevant and allowed metadata you would like to capture on your website and add these values for the logged in user to the GTM Data Layer.

2. The session details can be pushed to GTM by adding Javascript code that adds these variables to the dataLayer in GTM (more info over here)

3. Now that the information is pushed to the data layer, we need to create the data layer variables in the user-defined variables section:
4. Now that this variable is available in the Data Layer, it can be used in your survey as metadata as follows:

5. Use Cases

A. Show your survey based on a certain page view

1. Consent Initialization

2. Initialization

3. Page View

4. DOM Ready

5. Window Loaded

B. Show your survey based on clicking behaviour

1. All Elements

2. Just Links

C. Show your survey when your visitor sees a certain element while navigating

1. Element visibility

D. Show your survey when your visitor submits a form

1. Form Submission

E. Show your survey when your visitor has scrolled to a certain depth

1. Scroll Depth

F. Show your survey when your visitor watches a video on Youtube

1. Youtube Video

G. Show your survey after a certain period of time

1. Timer

H. Show your survey only when multiple other conditions are true

1. Trigger groups

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