ISAAC - Group category paths

With ISAAC category groups, you can bundle category paths in one group to make the ISAAC analysis more suitable to your organization. 


Please note that grouping of ISAAC category paths is a paid module. In case you want to know more about this, contact your customer success manager or email to


  1. Why would you group ISAAC category paths?
  2. Create ISAAC category groups
    1. How to get there
    2. Create a group
    3. Edit and delete a group
    4. Organize your groups in a structure
  3. The ISAAC category groups in the platform
    1. Analysis & dashboards
    2. Team ranking
    3. Key driver analysis

1. Why would you group ISAAC category paths?

Your industry and the method your respondents encountered your business (for example, in the shop, through remote customer service, etc.) have already been taken into account by our internal text analysis system, ISAAC (Industry Specific Analysis and Categorization). Of course, it's possible that this isn't sufficiently personalized. Following are some instances where grouping ISAAC category pathways makes sense:

  • link the ISAAC category paths to an internal KPI

    exampleto quickly assess how well you are performing on the internal KPI that at least 50% of the customer comments on this subject need to be favorable, group all category paths linked to money (Price > Overall experience, Billing > Overall experience, etc.) in a group.

  • bundle all category paths that are related to more or less the same topic

    example: all category paths related to friendliness (such as Personnel > Overall experience > Friendliness, Personnel > Helpdesk > Assistance > Friendliness etc.) are grouped to provide a clear picture of how kind all of your staff members are.

  • in your firm, several category paths have the same meaning

    example: ISAAC distinguishes between various forms of transportation for a transport company (train, bus etc). ISAAC assigns the category Product > Overall product experience if a respondent doesn't specify the exact mode of transportation. If your transportation business just provides train service, you may combine Product > Overall product experience and Product > Train into a single group.

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2. Create ISAAC category groups

Some important things to note about ISAAC category groups:

  • can only be created by admins
  • will be visible in all your touchpoints 

IMPORTANT: The creation, editing and deletion of groups will not be visible in the platform until the following day.

2a. How to get there

Step 1: Click on 'Settings' on the left navigation menu

Step 2:

Option 1: Click on ISAAC category groups in the left menu

Option 2: Click on the "Groups" tile in the settings overview  

This will take you to your group overview, where you are also able to create new groups.

2b. Create a group

It's time to create some groups! Click the button "Create category group" to open the create screen:

IMPORTANT: A newly created group will not be visible in the platform until the following day.

  • Fill out the name of the group
    • The name has to be unique within your environment, so you cannot have two groups with the same name, but it can be the same in both English and French. We also do not check whether it is correct "English" or "French", so you can put a name, for example, in Dutch as well.
    • Do not use the sign > in your name, because this will interfere with the original ISAAC category paths.
  • Make a selection of the category paths you want to add to your group
    • Use the move button to add category paths. You can remove them again from the group with the same button.
    • You can select several category paths at once. Also try to use the shift button when you want to select a whole range: first select the category path highest in the list, push shift (the arrow), and then select the lowest category path in the list. 
    • Use the search functionality to look for specific category paths. You can add them all at once by clicking "select all" and then using the Move button.
    • It's good to know that a category path can be part of several groups, but a group always needs to consist of at least one category path.
  • Create your group. It will appear in the group overview page. You can check which category paths are included in your group by clicking the "XX category paths".

2c. Edit and delete a group

In the group overview page, it is possible to delete and edit a group.

  • You can delete a group by clicking the trash can
  • You can edit a group by clicking the pencil. This will open a screen very similar to the create screen. You can perform all the same actions as in the create scree. See above.

IMPORTANT: A deleted group will still be visible in the platform until the following day. Edits to a group will only show their effect in the platform the following day.

2d. Organize your groups in a structure 

To even take it a step further, it is also possible to add your groups to a folder structure. You can add a structure of up to two levels on top of your groups to organize them as you like. 

Imagine I have a fashion store and I want to have an overview of how well all my clothes are performing per collection, but also how my clothes are performing in total.

  • First of all, I create three groups to combine all feedback related to women's clothes, men's clothes and children's clothes

  • Next, I build a structure to combine all these separate collections into one large category which consists of all the clothes I am selling in my shop

In the platform, the levels will be shown in a construction similar to the original Isaac category paths. In this case, it will be Clothes > Kids, Clothes > Women and Clothes > Men. to learn more about this, read the following section.

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3. The ISAAC category groups in the platform

Now that you created your groups, let's see how they will look in the different parts of the platform! There's the following rule of thumb:

  • All category paths that are not part of a group, are shown on their own.
  • All category paths that are part of a group, are shown in their group.

So, you will see a mix of groups and original category paths in the platform. Groups have a symbol next to their name to indicate that it's a group of category paths. If you click this symbol, the page will be filtered and only original ISAAC category paths that are part of the group will be shown.

3a. Analysis & Dashboards

The ISAAC category groups are shown on the ISAAC pages of analysis and in the ISAAC widgets on the dashboards. Below you can see an example of the top positive and negative categories widget in analysis. Groups that are not part of a folder structure (example: Friendliness) are shown on their own, while the other ones are shown in their structure (example: Clothes > Women and Clothes > Men).

In the Average sentiment by category, the groups that are part of a structure are first bundled, but you can open the folder to see the category groups below.

In analysis, it is possible to filter by group. Once you filter out a group, the page is updated and will show all the original ISAAC category groups that are part of the group. There are two ways to do this:

  • Use the ISAAC category group filter on the left of the page
  • Click on the blue dots next to the category group name

In dashboards, you can make an ISAAC widget specifically for a certain group. Like in analysis, the original category paths that are part of this group will be shown in the widget.

3b. Team ranking

It is possible to add either a category path or an ISAAC category group to your team ranking. Choose the path or group you want to add in the dropdown at the left. Once added, you'll see how many mentions there are for this category path / group overall, as well as how many of them are (very) positive or (very) negative.. If not all this information is interesting to you, you can choose which columns you want to include in the team ranking.

3c. Key driver analysis

In the key driver analysis, again, both original ISAAC category paths that are not part of a group and groups are shown. 

Unlike in analysis, you do not have a filter on the left to filter out a group. However, you can filter out a group by clicking on the blue dot next to the group name. When you do this, the key driver analysis will be shown only for the category paths part of your group.

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