Personalize your surveys by using metadata

Metadata allows you to use variables to personalize the text used in your surveys, autoresponders, from name,...  which can, as a result, potentially increase the response rate. 

The variable content must be provided as metadata together with the respondent uploads.

In total, there are 3 types of metadata that can be used.


  1. Using predefined metadata
  2. Using Teams filters
  3. Using MetaData[key]
  4. Best practices and tips

1. Using predefined metadata

When uploading respondents in an email touchpoint, you need to add an email address, otherwise the survey can not be sent. You can also add a first name and a last name per respondent.

These three variables can be used to personalize your survey. For example in the introduction text of your emails or in the questions. This allows you to address someone with his/her name or to mention his/her e-mail address. 

To use those variables, insert the following keys in your text:

Variable Key to use
First Name $$$_FirstName_$$$
Last Name $$$_LastName_$$$
E-mail address $$$_Email_$$$


  • All values will be displayed in lowercase. So for example "John" becomes "john". If you want to change this, learn how to do this here.
  • A variable with empty data will not be shown. If $$$_FirstName_$$$ has no value, the following will happen: "Dear $$$_FirstName_$$$," -> "Dear ,"

Here is an example of how to use predefined variables:

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2. Using Teams Filter

If you want to mention the team that is linked to a participant, you can use the teams filter metadata. This variable is useful when you want to for example mention the point of sale that a participant has visited.


Make sure to fill out your teams filter in the general settings of your touchpoint before using this construction in your survey. Learn here how to do this.

Insert the following key into your text: $$$_TeamName_$$$. This is an example how to use the teams filter in your invitation email:

For a person who visited the shop in Gent, it would look like this in the email:


  • Team names will be displayed in lowercase, unless there is an alias. If there is an alias, then the capitalization of the alias will be respected. You can also overrule this, by adding extra code. Learn more about it here.

    So imagine there are 2 teams, this is what the introduction text looks like:

    • Gent - No alias

      Lately, you visited our shop gent

    • Brussel - Alias = Brussel

      Lately, you visited our shop Brussel

  • If a participant has no value on the teams filter, the following will happen: "Lately, you visited our shop $$$_TeamName_$$$." -> "Lately, you visited our shop ."

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3. Using Metadata[key]

The MetaData[key] variable allows you to use any kind of metadata in your survey that you upload with your respondents or add in the url of an ask anywhere touchpoint. If you do not want to set up a team filter, this is an alternative way to use for example the point of sales in your survey.

To make use of any metadata in your survey, use $$$_MetaData[key]_$$$. Replace [key] with the name of the metadata key in the body of your add respondent(s) API call or the excel column of your respondent file you manually upload or via FTP.

If, for example, you have a metadata key called "Pizza type", describing which kind of pizza your customer ordered, change the code to $$$_MetaData[Pizza type]_$$$.

  • This is the configured introduction text

  • These are the respondents you upload:
Emailaddress Language First name Pizza type NL Respondent1 margherita FR Respondent2 prosciutto

  • Respondent1 ( will receive an email with this introduction text

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4. Best practices and tips

  • Using metadata in your survey can potentially improve response rates
  • Don't overuse metadata in your surveys. In other words, don't be creepy with the metadata you use.
  • A customer will be more inclined to respond to your survey when you address them by their name instead of a general message.


Metadata values are always generated in your survey emails with lowercase characters. If you want to add capitals to your variables, you will have to add an extra line of code

Note that all rules are explained with $$$_MetaData[key]_$$$, but the same works for $$$_TeamName_$$$, $$$_FirstName_$$$, $$$_LastName_$$$ and $$$_Email_$$$.

  • Capitalize the complete value: $$$_MetaData[key]_$$$.toUpperCase()

    example: pizza margherita becomes PIZZA MARGHERITA

  • Capitalize the first letter of the value: $$$_MetaData[key]_$$$.toCapitalizeFirstLetter()

    example: pizza margherita becomes Pizza margherita

  • Capitalize all first letters of each value: $$$_MetaData[key]_$$$.toCapitalizeLetter()

    example: pizza margherita becomes Pizza Margherita

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