Dashboards - Create and edit dashboards

In the dashboard section, you can set up several personalized dashboards for which you can choose which information is included. That way, you can build several dashboards specifically useful for different use cases, for example one dashboard with some information for regional managers, opposed to another one for store managers.

NOTE: Only administrators can create and edit dashboards. They also decide which user sees which dashboard(s) via the access and permissions settings.


  1. How to access dashboards in the platform
  2. Create a new dashboard
    1. Available widgets
      1. Metrics (NPS / CSAT / CES)
      2. ISAAC analysis
      3. Response rates
      4. Widgets related to extra questions (0-10 / yes-or-no / multiple choice)
      5. Other widgets
    2. Configuring widgets
  3. Manage dashboards
    1. Export dashboard as pdf
    2. Arrange dashboards
    3. Duplicate dashboards
    4. Search a dashboard
    5. Schedule a dashboard as a report
  4. General filter on dashboards (paid module)

1. How to access dashboards in the platform

Option 1:

From the home screen of your Hello Customer account, click on the Dashboard icon next to the touchpoint name

Option 2:

Step 1: On the home page of your Hello Customer account, click Dashboards on the left side:

Step 2: Choose the right touchpoint:

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2. Create a new dashboard

There are a few steps when creating a dashboard

Step 1: Open the dashboard creator:

  • When you don't have any dashboards yet:

  • When there is at least one dashboard built already, there are 2 options:
    • The three dots on the right:

    • Next to the already created dashboard(s)

Step 2: Choose the name of your new dashboard. Make sure to choose a short name which makes immediately clear what this dashboard is about

Step 3: Choose the type of dashboard you want to create. There are two types:

  • Default: in the default dashboard there are already a pre-defined set of widgets available. Of course you can adapt the configuration for these widgets, delete them and/or add others.
  • Custom: if you want to start from scratch, it's better to start with an empty custom dashboard.

Once the dashboard is created, it is time to fill it with the information you need. Therefore, you can add as many widgets to your dashboard as you want. 

Step 1: Open the edit mode of your dashboard:

  • In case you created a new one, the new dashboard opens automatically in edit mode
  • In an existing dashboard, you can click the three dots on the right and choose "Edit":

In edit mode, a list with all available widgets appears. 

Step 2: Add all the widgets you want by clicking on the tile of the widget you want in the available widget list. See Available widgets.

Step 3: Configure your widgets as you like:

  • Resize them by using the arrow in the lower right corner

  • Give them a proper title
  • Choose a specific date range, a set of filters or a breakdown based on the metric score. See Configuring widgets.

2a. Available widgets

i. Metrics (NPS / CSAT / CES)

The metric widgets can be added for all metrics you added to your touchpoint.

1/ The score summary widget shows the summary of your chosen metric. This looks different depending on the metric.

  • NPS

  • CSAT

  • CES

2/ In the repartition, you see the % of people who gave a specific score on the metric question. This is available for all metric questions, but here you see an example of NPS:

3/ With the evolution, you can follow up how your score evolves in time. You can choose whether you want to see this evolution on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The dots on the line represent the score that is calculated at the end of the chosen interval. For the weekly interval, for example, this is on a Sunday. You can hover your mouse over the dots to see the score and the date of the calculation. 

There are two lines in the graph:

  • Daily / weekly / monthly average: the average of the scores submitted that day / week / month
  • Moving average: the average of the first day of the selected date range until the day / week / month the dot represents

In the example above:

  • Weekly average of week 19/12/2022
    • average of all people who answered the survey in "week 19/12/2022" = between 19/12/2022 and 25/12/2022
    • NPS = 100, with 75 people answering the survey
  • Moving average of week 19/12/2022
    • Average of all people who answered the survey since the first date of the selected date range, in this case 1/12/2022, until the last day of the week 19/12/2022 = 25/12/2022
    • NPS = 64,29, with 210 people answering the survey.

ii. ISAAC analysis

The Isaac analysis widgets show the results of the text analysis for the open questions related to the metrics. In case you have more than 1 metric question in your touchpoint, you can choose for which metric you want to show the text analysis. 

All ISAAC related widgets are clickable. This means that if you click the graph, you can open the side panel to read all raw feedback that is related to the category, sentiment, ... you selected!

1/ Sentiment spread

The sentiment spread chart breaks down the sentiment behind the feedback, providing an overall insight on whether the feedback on this touchpoint is mostly (very) positive, (very) negative or unknown.

2/ Top 10 positive / negative

This chart shows you what categories make up the largest part of the positive / negative feedback. This immediately shows you what your customers are happy / unhappy about. 

3/ Mentions per main category

The most mentioned topics chart gives you an overview of the main categories that were mentioned most often in the feedback. It doesn't make a distinction between positive and negative feedback, yet gives you an insight to what topics are most important to your customers. 

4/ Sentiment by category

The sentiment by category chart breaks down how people felt about all the different categories. It gives a complete overview of all the (detailed) categories people are talking about and the related sentiments.

5/ ISAAC evolution

With the ISAAC evolution graph, you can follow up how a certain ISAAC category path or a group evolves during time. Make sure to directly edit the graph after adding it to select your category path or group, otherwise, you will not see any data.

iii. Response rates

In the widgets related to response rate, you can follow-up on how well you reached your customers and how representative your answers are for your total customer base.

1/ General response rate

This widget is only valuable for email touchpoints (since you do not send out emails in the other types of touchpoints). This graph gives you an overview of:

  • The total number of respondents to whom an email was delivered
  • The number of surveys completed (based on the first question)
  • The number of unsubscribed customers 

Please note that all numbers in this widget are shown on the date the invitation email was sent. This means that if an email was sent on 1/11/2022 and the receiver of the survey answered on 2/11/2022, in this widget, this answer will be shown when you select 1/11/2022. This way it becomes easier to follow-up on your response rates for different batches of surveys.

2/ Text response rate

Here you can see the total nuber of surveys that were completed and the number of times that the open question was answered (text completed). 

Please note that all numbers in this widget for email touchpoints are shown on the date the invitation email was sent. This means that if an email was sent on 1/11/2022 and the receiver of the survey answered on 2/11/2022, in this widget, this answer will be shown when you select 1/11/2022. The reason why it is done like this is to make it easier to follow-up on your response rates for different batches of surveys.

iv. Widgets related to extra questions (0-10 / yes-or-no / multiple choice)

The widgets related to extra questions are only available when you have at least one question of this type in your survey. In case you have more than 1 question of the same type (for example, 2 yes-or-no questions), a dropdown will be available to choose for which question you want to show the widget on your dashboard.

1/ Repartition 0-10

The repartition shows how many people gave an individual score (0-10) on the question.

2/ Evolution 0-10

With the evolution, you can follow up how the score on your 0-10 question evolves in time. You can choose whether you want to see this evolution on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The dots on the line represent the score that is calculated at the end of the chosen interval. For the weekly interval, for example, this is on a Sunday. You can hover your mouse over the dots to see the score and the date of the calculation. 

There are two lines in the graph:

  • Daily / weekly / monthly average: the average of the scores submitted that day / week /month
  • Moving average: the average of the entire selected timeframe since start until the day / week / month the dot represents

3/ Yes-or-no widget

In the yes-or-no widget you see a breakdown of how many people answered yes or no to the question.

4/ Multiple choice widget

In this widget, you can see a summary of all the answers given on the selected multiple choice question. All options are shown, even if no one chose this option as an answer (yet).

v. Other widgets

The Team performance shows a ranking of all the teams a user is allowed to see with the scores (on the first question), amount of respondents and answers for the current period.

In the Feedback widget, you can show the most recent open text feedback that match your criteria. This open text feedback is always shown anonymously. You can define:

  • The number of open text feedbacks you want to show in your dashboard: 1, 3, 5 or 10.
  • If the feedback you want to show needs to be linked to (a) certain score(s) and / or a certain ISAAC category path

2b. Configuring widgets

If you want to create dashboards for specific periods of time or with specific filters predefined, that's perfectly possible! That way you can create easy to access overviews for those moments when you want a quick update but don't have time to go through the analysis in detail.

You can open the configuration panel of the widget by clicking the pencil:

1/ Choose a specific date range for your widget

It is possible to make a widget immediately take a certain date range into account. 

If you choose None it will automatically follow the date range that is selected at the top of the dashboard. Please note that if you select any other option, the widget will not update if you adapt the date picker on the top of the platform.

2/ Filter on participant attributes

When you want to show the information on the widget for a specific group, you can filter on participant attributes.

Once you selected some criteria, chips appear on the widget, so you can immediately see to which group the data in the widget is related.

Make sure to map your metadata to take full advantage of the smart filtering in the widget configuration. More information and instructions can be found here

3/ Metric breakdown (Isaac widgets only)

In the Isaac widgets, it is possible to filter out groups based on the score they gave on the related metric question.

  • For NPS, you can choose to show detractors (0-6), passives (7-8) and promoters (9-10)
  • For CSAT, it is possible to filter out the text analysis for unsatisfied (1-2), neutral (3) and satisfied (4-5) customers
  • For CES, you can filter out people who disagree (1-3) and people who agree (5-7) with your statement

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3. Manage dashboards

3a. Export dashboard as pdf

You can download your dashboard as a pdf file. This file can be used to send it to other people inside our outside your organization. 

Step 1: Trigger the export as pdf menu

Step 2: There are two parts in the menu:

  • Quick preview: this shows you all the widgets of the dashboard including the title of the dashboard and the selected date range
  • Print layout: in the print layout you can see how the pdf will exactly look like. In this view, you can see where the pages are cut off.

You can do some small changes in both views, for example: collapsing or expanding the amount of categories you see in the category explorer or changing the amount of rows you see in the team performance widget. Please note that the print layout will only update if you did any changes after you switched between quick preview and print layout.

Step 3: Push export button to trigger the export of pdf. The file will directly download in your browser.

3b. Arrange dashboards

You can choose the order of your dashboards. When clicking on Arrange dashboards, a pop-up will open with where you can drag and drop your different dashboards and put them in the order that you prefer.

3c. Duplicate dashboards

It is possible to duplicate a dashboard. Once duplicated, the new dashboard will have all the same widgets and filters as the original one. Of course you can adapt this afterwards to your liking. The duplicate functionality can also be found in the menu triggered by the three dots on the right:

3d. Search a dashboard

When you have a lot of dashboards, it can be difficult to scroll to the correct one. Therefore, you can also search for a specific dashboard.

3e. Schedule a dashboard as a report

You can send a dashboard to certain recipients on a regular basis as a report. Learn how to do this here.

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4. General filter on dashboards

The general filter on dashboards is a paid module. If you want to know more about it, contact your customer success manager or mail to support@hellocustomer.com

With a general filter, you can filter your whole dashboard on the go, like in analysis. With the general filter, you can filter all your dashboard widgets at the same time.

Please note that filters on widgets take precedence over the global filter on the dashboard. That is, the fixed filter on a widget for certain metadata takes precedence over a global filter for the same metadata. So, for example, if you have a widget with a filter collection = fall, this widget will still show that data, even when the general filter is collection = winter.

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