Conversations - Overview

The Conversations section provides a clear overview of all the information you have per respondent, including all contact information, all survey responses, and all extra information about this person and the transaction they made (metadata). Conversations is the place to be to see all this information, but also to see who needs to be followed up with, to give statuses to respondents in your close-the-loop process, and to copy all necessary information to your system to follow-up.


  1. How to get there
  2. The list view
    1. Overview of conversations
    2. Manage conversations
    3. Filter conversations
    4. Export conversations
  3. The detailed view
    1. Components
    2. Manage conversations
    3. Summaries

1. How to get there

Option 1

From the home screen of your Hello Customer account, click the Conversations icon

  • In case of Tiles

  • In case of List

You will automatically end up on the conversations page of the touchpoint of your choice

Option 2

Step 1: On the homepage of your Hello Customer account, click on the Conversations icon in the left navigation menu

Step 2: Choose your touchpoint

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2. The list view

A. Overview of conversations

The list view, the default view of the conversations section, displays all responses related to the focus question, both the metric and the open text feedback, at a glance. These responses are displayed after a maximum of 2 hours after the respondent completed the survey.

In the list, you'll see which respondents

  • received an automatic reply

  • answered the survey by using capture on click

The most recent answers (conversations) are displayed first by default, but you can use the sort by functionality to see the oldest first. Of course, only conversations from the selected date range at the top of the page are displayed.

You can also use the search function to look for specific conversations. There are several possibilities, you can search for:

  • Respondents' personal information (first name, last name, email address) if you have a non-anonymous touchpoint. This is useful when, for example, you want to find of a specific person's answer to see how this person's opinion has changed over time. Of course, it is also perfectly possible to search for a specific answer from a specific person.
  • Specific text strings that will display all the answers that match your search query. This can be useful if, for example, you want to search for all comments about a specific product from your range, comments about a certain employee or shop, and so on.

B. Manage conversations


Note that only conversations from 1/1/2023 onwards can be managed. Previously added tags are retained, flagged conversations have the tag "flagged" and old notes have become summaries. This is also the case for older conversations, the only difference is that these can not be adapted anymore.

All administrators and users with manage permissions for the conversations can manage the conversations. Other users with only view rights will see the tags, statuses, and summaries but will be unable to make any changes.

You can assign a status to a conversation to make it easier to align with colleagues what work still needs to be done. There are three options:

  • TO DO
  • DONE

It is also possible to add tags to your conversations. This can be handy to find specific conversations later on or assign them to a colleague, for example, since you are also able to filter by tag(s). When you want to add a tag, all tags that are already used within your environment will pop up spontaneously in the dropdown. This makes aligning your tags between touchpoints and users simple. It is very simple to add a new tag to your conversation or to remove one or more tags. You can add a maximum of 10 tags to the same conversation.

To contact customers after receiving their feedback, we've made it easy to quickly copy the information you need. Simply click the "copy" button next to the conversation and all of the following information will be copied in one click:

  • Personal information: first name, last name, email address, phone number, customID - depending on what is available for this person. For anonymous touchpoints, it is indicated that this is an anonymous answer.
  • The status of the conversation: TO DO, IN PROGRESS or DONE
  • The tags you or another user added to the conversation
  • Participant attributes: all the extra information about the respondent that was sent to our platform (metadata) - both the key and the value for this specific respondent
  • Answers to the focus questions: both the score (NPS, CSAT or CES) and the accompanying open text answer
  • A direct URL to this specific conversation in the Hello Customer platform

C. Filter conversations

There are several ways to limit the number of conversations you see in your overview. Remember that you can combine all of the different filters, so the possibilities are endless!

General filters:

  • First of all, you can change the date range at the top of the page. This way, you can limit your list to responses received within a specific time frame.
  • Next you can filter on the different statuses. You can get an overview of all conversations that need to be followed up on by filtering on, say, TO DO.
  • You can also exclude all conversations with a summary. If you filter on these, only conversations with a summary will appear in your list.

Conversation filters:

  • Filter out all conversations with a specific score on the metric question or within a score range, which can be useful if youif you want to focus on really unhappy customers, for example. On top of that, it's very easy to filter out a group based on your metric:
    • NPS: Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8) and Detractors (0-6)
    • CSAT: Satisfied (4-5), Neutral (3) and Unsatisfied (1-2)
    • CES: Agree (5-7) and Disagree (1-4)
  • The category path filter is useful if you want to see a list of everyone who has commented on a specific topic. You can choose between an ISAAC category path and a group of ISAAC category paths (learn here how to set these up). Once selected, you can take it even a step further by also choosing one or more sentiments to, for example, show only the people talking in a (very) positive way about this topic.
  • If you added tags to your conversations, you can also filter out all conversations that have one or more tags.

Refine results

  • you can filter on all of the extra metadata you send along with your participants. Make sure to turn your dumb metadata into smart participant attributes by telling our system what kind of data you're sending us to make these filters more user-friendly. Learn all about it in this article. The method of filtering will differ depending on the type of data:
    • Number and currency: sliders
    • Date: date picker
    • Text: a list from which you can choose multiple values using a search box
    • Boolean: radio buttons
    • The metadata key assigned as the team filter for this touchpoint: the team structure will be reflected in the filtering. Learn all about the team filter here.
  • Since you can make a ton of combinations with all the values on your participant attributes, we made it possible to make filter sets. These allow you to save a specific combination so that you can easily filter out a specific customer segment. These filter sets can also be found in analysis, key driver analysis, and email statistics. So any filter sets you create will be available in all of these areas of the platform! Please keep in mind that these filter sets are unique to each user.

D. Export conversations

Sometimes, it's necessary that you export all your data in order to create an internal dashboard, for example. There are two exports available, each with a different set of data. After clicking the export button, you are able to choose which export(s) you want to make.

  • Answers
    • A unique ID per survey response
    • Personal information of the respondent
    • Tags and the summary added to the conversation
    • All metadata that was sent along with the response
    • All answers on all questions of the survey
    • A unique ID per survey response
    • The ISAAC analysis per response
    • The metric to which the ISAAC analysis is linked
    • The ISAAC category group(s) to which the original ISAAC category path belongs

The unique ID can be used to link the ISAAC analysis to the responses. Every line in the ISAAC file represents a mention, which contains a category path and sentiment. Please keep in mind that there can be more than one mention linked to the same answer.

Keep in mind that there is a maximum of 10.000 conversations per export when exporting the conversations. Only conversations in the list at the time of export will be included. This means that all the activated filters at the moment of the export are taken into account.

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3. Detailed view

A. Components

In the detailed view, you get all the information for one respondent.

In this view, you can find:

  1. The survey results. The first text balloon displays all of this person's responses to all of the survey questions. Don't be concerned if someone responded to the survey in a language you don't understand. You can translate the answers using the Translate button into the language in which the platform is displayed.
  2. If the person received an autoresponder after completing the survey, a second text balloon will appear in the conversation.
  3. There is a possibility to add a summary to the conversation. This is useful if you want to include information about, say, a phone call with that customer after they provided feedback. Learn how to do it in the next section.
  4. You can also manage the conversation on this screen by changing the status and adding tags. Learn more about it in the next section.
  5. Finally, you can find all of the respondent's extra information, including contact information and all participant attributes that were sent with the respondent.

B. Manage conversations


Note that only conversations from 1/1/2023 onwards can be managed. Previously added tags are retained, flagged conversations have the tag "flagged" and old notes have become summaries. This is also the case for older conversations, the only difference is that these can not be adapted anymore.

All administrators and users with manage permissions for the conversations can manage the conversations. Other users with only view rights can see the tags, statuses, and summaries but cannot change them.

It is possible to add a status to a conversation not only in the list view, but also in the detailed view. There are three statuses you can assign to a conversation:

  • TO DO
  • DONE

Adding a status makes it easier to align with colleagues what work still needs to be done.

Adding tags to your conversation can be handy to find specific conversations later on or assign them to a colleague, for example, since you are also able to filter by tag(s) on the overview page. When you want to add a tag, all tags that are already used within your environment will pop up spontaneously in the dropdown. This way it's easy to align your tags between touchpoints and users. It is very simple to add a new tag or to remove one or more tags from your conversation. You can add a maximum of 10 tags to the same conversation.

To make it easier to contact customers after receiving their feedback, it is really easy to copy the information that you need. The copy button next to the conversation will copy the following information all in one mouse click:

  • Personal information: first name, last name, email address, phone number, customID - depending on what is available for this person. For anonymous touchpoints, it is indicated that this is an anonymous answer.
  • The status of the conversation: TO DO, IN PROGRESS or DONE
  • The tags you or another user added to the conversation
  • Participant attributes: all the extra information about the respondent that was sent to our platform (metadata) - both the key and the value for this specific respondent
  • Answers to the focus questions: both the score (NPS, CSAT or CES) and the accompanying open text answer
  • A direct URL to this specific conversation in the Hello Customer platform

If you don't need all of this information, use the copy buttons next to the relevant section. This will limit the amount of information that you copy.

C. Summaries

Summaries are an excellent way to supplement the Hello Customer platform with additional information. For example, if you call to follow up with an unhappy customer, you can include a summary of the conversation so that you have all of the information in one place.

Summaries can be added, edited, and deleted by all administrators and users with manage permissions. When a summary is added, it indicates which user created the summary. If another user changes the summary, this name will be updated.

It is possible to add one summary per conversation. Because you can edit a summary, you can always add more information to the initial summary if necessary. You can also remove an existing summary and replace it with a new one.

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