Alerts - Notify users of certain events and follow up on trends

With alerts, it's very easy to follow up on specific customer feedback. Share negative feedback for swift issue resolution, and engage your teams by sharing positive feedback. Next to that, it's handy to follow up if everything goes well technically, and soon, it will also be possible to follow up on trends in your data.


  1. Types of alerts
    1. Survey answer
    2. No survey sent
    3. Trend alerts
  2. How to set up alerts
    1. How to get there
    2. Create a new alert
      1. Survey answer
      2. No survey sent
      3. Trend alerts
  3. Notifications

1. Types of alerts

1a. Survey answer

When you set up an alert on an individual answer, you get notified when one or more answers meet the criteria of your alert.

  • The score falls within a certain score range; depending on the metric, this can vary between
    • 0 and 10 (NPS)
    • 1 and 5 (CSAT)
    • 1 and 7 (CES)
  • Whether there is an open text available on the selected metric question or not
  • You can take it even a step further by specifying which topic (= ISAAC category path) the comment needs to talk about, either in general, or linked to one or more sentiments.

When at least one answer comes in that meets the criteria you set up, a notification will be sent to the specified teams and administrators. Learn how to set up the alert here.

1b. No survey sent

Sometimes, it can be hard to know if something goes wrong. One safety measure is to set up an alert for an email touchpoint if, for a certain period of time, no survey has been sent out.

This way, you know that no one received a survey within this time frame, and you can check if something went wrong with adding respondents to the platform.

Learn more about the possibilities here.

1c. Trend alerts

Next to getting an alert based on individual answers, you can also follow the aggregated results:

  • Your metric either reaches a certain goal (for example, your NPS is 80 or higher) or drops below a certain threshold (for example, your NPS is -10 or lower).
  • A certain percentage of the mentions of a category path are (very) positive; for example, 80% of the people or more that mention Price > Quality are (very) positive about this topic, or less than 20% or less of the people that mention Product > Size are (very) positive about this topic.
  • The response rate reaches a certain goal (for example, 15% of the respondents filled out the survey) or drops below a certain threshold (for example, your response rate is lower than 5%).

These trends are calculated based on a pre-defined date range, for example, the last 7 days. So every day, we check if the criteria of your trend alert are met, taking into account all the answers within the defined date range.

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2. How to set up alerts

2a. How to get there

Step 1: From the home screen of your Hello Customer account, click the Settings icon in the left navigation menu

Step 2: Click Alerts

  • in the navigation on the left

  • on the configuration tile

2b. Create a new alert

When there are no alerts created yet, you'll end up on an empty screen, from which you can create an alert by either clicking on the button in the middle of the screen or in the upper right corner. Otherwise, you'll see an overview of all the alerts that were already set up with their characteristics, and you'll only have the button in the upper right corner to create a new alert.

After specifying the type of alert, you need to follow specific steps according to the type.

i. Survey answer

  1. Specify a name for the alert.
  2. Choose the touchpoint for which you want to set up the alert.
  3. Choose the metric: NPS, CSAT, or CES. The dropdown will only consist of the metrics that are available for that specific touchpoint.
  4. Define the score range for which you want to receive an alert.
    1. By default, all scores are selected. You do not need to change that.
    2. It is possible to set the same number as the minimum score and the maximum score.
  5. Decide whether an open-text answer is mandatory to receive a notification or not.
    1. By default, this checkbox is not selected, and you receive a notification for all answers that fall within the score range, whether they have an open text answer or not.
    2. If you select this checkbox, only answers, including an open text, will trigger the notification. Once selected, you can even take it a step further.
  6. Specify a specific category path or grouping of ISAAC category paths (learn more about this here) that the open answer needs to mention. This is optional, but if selected, only answers with at least one mention of the specified category path or grouping of ISAAC category paths will trigger the notification.
  7. Once a topic is selected, you can choose if all sentiments or only specific ones trigger the notification. This is again optional.
  8. Decide how often the notification is sent
    1. Immediately: every two hours, we’ll check if there is one or more answers that meet the criteria of your answer alert
    2. Daily: every day at 8 a.m., you get notified if there is one or more answers that meet the criteria of your answer alert that came in the previous day
    3. Weekly: every Monday at 8 a.m., you get notified if there is one or more answers that meet the criteria of your answer alert that came in the previous week
    4. Monthly: every first day of the month (1/1, 1/2, etc), you get notified if there is one or more answers that meet the criteria of your answer alert that came in the previous month
  9. Choose the recipients of the notification
    1. Administrators: A list of all administrators in the environment is provided, and you can choose which administrator(s) needs to receive a notification for this alert.
    2. Teams: Here you can select which teams need to receive this notification. All users that are assigned to the selected teams, will receive the notification in their email inbox. Of course, only if there are answers linked to that specific team that meet the criteria of the alert AND if this team has access to the conversations.

      Not sure what teams are and how to set them up? Learn more about it here.

In this case, all users linked to teams 2 and 4 will receive a notification every two hours in case there are answers with a CSAT score of 1 or 2 and the person is talking about Billing > Options in a (very) negative way.

ii. No survey sent

  1. Specify a name for the alert.
  2. Choose the touchpoint for which you want to set up the alert. This alert can only be activated for email touchpoints.
  3. Specify the time period in which no surveys should be sent before you want to send out a notification.
  4. Activate or deactivate the alert. When the alert is deactivated, no notifications will be sent, even if the event specified in the alert happens.
  5. Specify who needs to receive a notification when the event happens. In the case of a no survey sent alert, only administrators will be able to receive this notification.

In this case, Lord The Ssecond will receive an alert email if no survey was sent in the last 72 hours for the touchpoint Email autoresponder, and capture on click

iii. Trend alerts

Score evolution

  1. Specify a name for the alert.
  2. Choose the touchpoint for which you want to set up the alert.
  3. Choose the metric: NPS, CSAT, or CES. The dropdown will only consist of the metrics that are available for that specific touchpoint.
  4. Define when you want to be notified:
    1. When your NPS / CSAT / CES reaches a certain goal
    2. When your NPS / CSAT / CES drops below a certain threshold
  5. Decide how many data is taken into account. You can choose if you take data into account of:
    1. a week (last 7 days)
    2. 2 weeks (last 14 days)
    3. month (from the same day previous month)
    4. quarter (last 3 months)
    5. year (from the same day last year)
    6. since start (all the data of the touchpoint)
  6. Specify who needs to receive a notification when the event happens. In the case of a score evolution alert, only administrators will be able to receive this notification.

In this case, Tine Admin will receive an alert email if the NPS calculated over the last quarter (= previous three months):
  • is 80 or higher
  • is 20 or lower

Everyday, this criteria is checked. Tine Admin will receive the email once one of each criteria is met. When the criteria is met several days in a row, you will only receive one email.

Sentiment evolution

  1. Specify a name for the alert.
  2. Choose the touchpoint for which you want to set up the alert.
  3. Choose the metric: NPS, CSAT, or CES. The dropdown will only consist of the metrics that are available for that specific touchpoint.
  4. Select for which category path you want to receive notifications. Only category paths present in this touchpoint will be part of the dropdown. In case you created a group of ISAAC category paths, it will also be possible to select these groups.
  5. Define when you want to be notified:
    1. The amount of (very) positive mentions for the selected category path reaches a certain goal
    2. The amount of (very) positive mentions for the selected category path drops below a certain threshold
  6. Decide how many data is taken into account. You can choose if you take data into account of:
    1. a week (last 7 days)
    2. 2 weeks (last 14 days)
    3. month (from the same day previous month)
    4. quarter (last 3 months)
    5. year (from the same day last year)
    6. since start (all the data of the touchpoint)
  7. Specify who needs to receive a notification when the event happens. In the case of a sentiment evolution alert, only administrators will be able to receive this notification.

In this case, Another Admin will receive an alert email if the amount of people that mention Overall Experience > Overall experience during the last week in a (very) positive way reaches 50%.

Everyday, this criteria is checked. Another Admin will receive the email once the criteria is met. When the criteria is met several days in a row, you will only receive one email.

Response rate evolution

  1. Specify a name for the alert.
  2. Choose the touchpoint for which you want to set up the alert. This alert can only be activated for email touchpoints.
  3. Define when you want to be notified:
    1. When the response rate reaches a certain goal
    2. When the response rate drops below a certain threshold
  4. Decide how many data is taken into account. You can choose if you take data into account of:
    1. a week (last 7 days)
    2. 2 weeks (last 14 days)
    3. month (from the same day previous month)
    4. quarter (last 3 months)
    5. year (from the same day last year)
    6. since start (all the data of the touchpoint)
  5. Specify who needs to receive a notification when the event happens. In the case of a response rate evolution alert, only administrators will be able to receive this notification.

In this case, tim vd will receive an alert email if the response rate drops below 10% during the last month.

Everyday, this criteria is checked. Another Admin will receive the email once the criteria is met. When the criteria is met several days in a row, you will only receive one email.

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3. Notifications

Once an alert has been triggered, because an event happened that meets the criteria of your alert, all recipients will receive a notification in their email inbox. You can find some examples below.

No survey sent

Survey answer

When clicking the button View answers in Conversations, you are redirected to the conversations section of your environment with preselected filters, so the correct conversations linked to this notification are shown.

Category path evolution

Clicking on the button VIEW ISAAC ANALYSIS will lead you to the ISAAC analysis of the correct metric within touchpoint of the alert with the correct date range.

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